Help creators grow.Get paid.

Refer your audience to your favorite creators and get paid for it - automatically & instantly. As a creator, grow easier than ever.


A better referral program

All Paragraph publications have a built-in referral program: any reader can share any content, and get paid for helping drive growth for creators and growth for Paragraph.

Share a Paragraph link

Share any Paragraph link - a newsletter, a post, or even this page - with your wallet address in the URL.

Get paid for helping creators growth

Whenever your audience clicks on your link and collects an NFT, you get paid immediately.

Get paid for helping Paragraph grow

If your audience creates a new account on Paragraph and begins creating content, you'll get an indefinite cut of their revenue.

Just add a wallet address or ENS to any Paragraph URL, and get paid automatically & instantly. No signup or setup required. Really.

Growth on auto-pilot

Creators: Growth on autopilot.
Readers: Earn by sharing.

With Paragraph Referral rewards, you can earn money by sharing your favorite content. And for creators, it's a new way to grow your audience.

Learn more
Reward curators, readers and fans
Incentivize your audience to share your content, and reward curators who bring you new readers.
No loss of creator revenue
All rewards are paid out of the Paragraph platform fee, so creators don't lose any revenue.
Instant & automatic payouts
Get paid immediately and automatically, directly to your wallet. No waiting for a minimum amount to be reached.
No setup required
Just paste a wallet address in the URL, and all referral rewards will be sent to that address. No signup or setup required.

Frequently asked questions

The future of creative independence.

Publish your first paragraph in seconds.